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Harmony retirement homes

Split over two phases totalling nearly £100,000, Harmony was tasked with supplying trusses for two complex retirement homes.

Both phases required input from Harmony’s Technical Director Norman Gore, who has worked closely with the client on numerous projects for over 30 years. His technical knowledge and design experience enabled a solution to the roof design where others may not have been able to find a solution. Using Mitek’s 3D design software Pamir, Harmony was able to offer the client a dwg or viewer file to ensure the large project was checked thoroughly and to show the true capabilities of trussed rafters.

From flat roofs to raised tie trusses, this project had them all. Harmony minimised steel beam requirements and replaced with trusses or glulam beams where practical. With angled walls and numerous pitch changes the roof proved to be a good test for the new Pamir software and has led to updates being implemented in the software to accommodate such large and complex roofs in the future.

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Trussed Rafter Association