AGM speakers confirmed so far
9th April 2019
Ben Williams – a story to inspire
Ben is a former Royal Marine Commando who is now a leadership coach and a mentor who inspires others to achieve their dreams. He is an example to others that anything is possible with a positive mindset.
Through battling his own personal demons and seeing the darker side of serving our country, Ben has turned his own personal trauma into positive and actionable advice for others.
He now runs a leadership and performance coaching company to help organisations develop new mindsets, just as Ben has, to achieve their long-term goals. Ben believes that anyone can find new self-confidence and navigate through the most uncertain and difficult of times.
Liz Male – advice on marketing to recruit new talent
Liz Male MBE is the managing director of LMC, the TRA’s PR and marketing agency. She has 30 years’ experience in PR and communications within the construction industry, and will be talking about LMC’s recent research into communications with the newest generations now coming into the workplace.
Find out what it takes to engage with young people and how best we can use marketing and communications to attract, recruit and retain the best people to roles within the construction industry. This insightful talk will really get you thinking about your recruitment and communication strategies.
Alan Ballard – practical advice on dealing with wood dust
Alan Ballard has worked in the occupational health and wellbeing industry for 15 years. He has advised many small, medium, and major businesses in the UK. His expertise has seen him transition some of the largest occupational health contracts in the UK.
Alan will be discussing the importance of employee testing as part of a company’s wood dust and noise control strategy. He will also be showcasing the ELAS mobile health monitoring service, which can visit member sites and provide lung function and hearing tests for employees.
With health and safety being a number one priority for business, this talk will help you look after your staff’s health at work.