Are you making use of the CTRS free recruitment service?
1st July 2021
TRA members are being encouraged to use the Construction Talent Retention Scheme website to help them find new talent to address any skills shortages.
The website enables people looking for new careers in construction-related businesses to upload their CVs and to showcase their skills and experience to employers throughout the UK.
Supported by the Construction Leadership Council (CLC), Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) and many other industry bodies, the scheme is free of charge to all employers and job hunters.
There are nearly 900 companies currently listed on the scheme website, and more than 1,800 eager candidates looking for jobs, with around 20 more candidates joining each week.
To make use of this free service, TRA members should visit the CTRS website, set up their company profile and start posting any vacancies. You can also search for suitable candidates, save CVs and contact chosen candidates directly with no recruitment fees.
Watch out too for the new Talentview Construction service, coming soon, to publicise work experience and apprenticeship opportunities to young people and potential new entrants to the industry. This scheme will be launched by the CLC in July.