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Please share your results with the TRA

The Report of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) (Reporting of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences (RADO) – for Ireland) is  legislation that requires employers and those who are the responsible person/s to report and keep a record of certain work-related incidents. As a result,  potential causes of danger can be recognised and help employers … Continue reading “Please share your results with the TRA”

Health Surveillance for Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)

Manufacturing most often takes place in noisy environments and the production of trussed rafters and metal web beams very much fits this description. While short bursts of loud noise might cause temporary hearing loss, prolonged exposure can lead to permanent damage. Hearing loss often occurs gradually, making it hard to notice initially. Therefore, both employers … Continue reading “Health Surveillance for Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)”

Preventing musculoskeletal disorders

The latest figures released by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) show that almost half a million workers in the UK have reported suffering from work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Those working in timber engineering factories can be at high risk of musculoskeletal injuries that are linked to the manual handling of heavy building products such … Continue reading “Preventing musculoskeletal disorders”

Inclusive PPE means better protection for employees

Personal protection equipment (PPE) serves as a line of defence to protect workers from physical hazards they may encounter in the workplace such as sharp surfaces and wood dust, while ensuring workers can perform their tasks safely and effectively. It may not be enough to offer standard equipment, correct fit on the worker is a … Continue reading “Inclusive PPE means better protection for employees”

What to expect before your inspection with the HSE on Wood Dust

Working with wood dust can lead to serious and often irreversible health issues, including sinus and nasal cavity cancer, asthma, and dermatitis. Employers in the woodworking industry are legally obligated to prevent or effectively manage employee exposure to wood dust within the workplace. An Urgent Call for Woodworking Businesses The HSE conducted over 1,000 inspections … Continue reading “What to expect before your inspection with the HSE on Wood Dust”

Trussed Rafter Association