Forging closer links with the next generation of timber industry professionals
27th September 2023
The TRA was recently invited to attend the Timber Industry College hub (formerly City Hubs) event, which took place at Lincoln College.
Timber Industry College Hub is an initiative developed by Timber Development UK (TDUK) and the Institute of Carpenters (IOC) that showcases the different employment opportunities available from the UK and international timber supply chain to career paths with timber merchants or timber frame design and manufacture to students.
TRA chief executive, Nick Boulton, attended the event and was able to talk with staff and students at the college, which is home to a specialist Construction College and ECOnstruction Centre of Excellence focused on green building techniques. He said:
“It is great to see the facilities at Lincoln College created to train the specialists of the future and to have the opportunity to speak with the next generation of professionals and their teachers. It was immediately clear that the Timber Industry College hub can play an important role in forging closer links between education providers and the timber industry.
“At a time when the UK is in need of more green construction-focused professionals to help meet Net-Zero challenges, the Timber Industry College hub is a great initiative to help ensure the industries best a brightest prospects get to the employees that need them the most .”
Further events will take place during 2023 and 2024.