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Does your business need more timber engineering skill?

19th August 2022
Artist's impression of the new CATT building at NMITE

Image: The new CATT building at NMITE

TRA members are very aware of the critical shortage of timber engineers in our sector, so we are very pleased to be able to share the news that the Timber TED courses announced at the TRA AGM have now been launched with the first course scheduled to start at the end of September.

As we heard from Centre for Advanced Timber Technology (CATT) director, Professor Robert Hairstans, these exciting new 12-week courses offer TRA members and other timber engineering businesses the opportunity to upskill existing designers expanding their knowledge and allowing the business to take on a wider range of work in the future.

The TRA, with representatives from Edinburgh Napier University (ENU), will be hosting an online Q&A discussion about the new course and members interested in registering staff on the new course are asked to contact TRA chief executive Nick Boulton via

Timber TED 1 will launch at the end of September covering design, materials, and sustainability using a blended learning approach online and in-person. This course will enable participants to design and execute a built environment structure informed by the concepts of sustainability and the characteristics of timber as a structural material.

The course is being delivered by New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE) in Hereford, in partnership with Timber Development UK & ENU. It will combine NMITE’s unique learn-by-doing ethos and work-based challenges to form the basis and building blocks of knowledge, and to effect a transformative change that extends beyond the course to industry application.

Robert Hairstans is encouraging everyone to support the new course. He said: “We’d really appreciate your help in making this first TED short course a success. We know you share our ambitions for a thriving UK timber engineering industry and a sustainable future. Industrial uptake of these short courses will help maintain CATT’s momentum and demonstrate demand for a BSc in Sustainable Built Environment (launching Sept 2023) which will have timber as a core material.

“Please support this important work by nominating a built environment professional in your organisation or network who will benefit from structured professional development in timber engineering design, an expanded professional network, career acceleration, and who is capable of creating value return for the sector and making a positive contribution to addressing the climate crisis.

“We are at an advanced stage in securing funding to support the tuition fees of some pioneer learners so please do encourage them to apply and do encourage them to get in touch if they need any support in the application process. And finally, please support our work by sharing this opportunity in your networks.”

It is planned to launch Timber TED 2 in early 2023 and this second course will cover design, construction, technology, and manufacture using an online/blended learning approach. By the end of this course, participants will have knowledge of timber construction approaches and the technologies available to execute a built environment by applying sustainable and digitally-driven design practices.

Click here for more information on the course.


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