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HSE’s annual work-related ill health and injury statistics

10th December 2024

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has published its annual statistics on work-related ill health and workplace injuries for 2023/24.

While there are signs of improvement in workplace safety, the findings highlight ongoing challenges—particularly in recurring areas such as musculoskeletal disorders, stress, depression or anxiety, and injuries affecting workers.

The construction industry remains one of the highest-risk sectors for workplace injuries and illnesses. Key findings from the report include:

  • 1.7 million working people suffering from a work-related illness, including:
    • 776,000 workers experiencing work-related stress, depression or anxiety
    • 543,000 workers affected by work-related musculoskeletal disorders
    • 7.8 million working days lost due to musculoskeletal disorders in 2023/24, with administrative and support service activities leading the list of higher-than-average rates’, followed by construction, and transportation and storage jobs
  • 20,000 estimated new cases of work-related breathing or lung problems annually (averaged over the past three years – Labour Force Survey)
  • 12,000 annual lung disease deaths, estimated to be linked to past workplace exposures
  • 138 workers tragically lost their lives in work-related accidents
  • 604,000 working people sustained an injury at work (Labour Force Survey)
  • 33.7 million working days lost due to work-related illness and injury

TRA’s Chief Executive, Nick Boulton, commented:

“Every year, the HSE’s report reminds us of the importance of ensuring the workplace is as safe as it can be. However, there is always room for improvement.

“Trussed rafter manufacturers, particularly those in roles involving heavy lifting and repetitive movements, face a heightened risk of injuries. Member companies should continue to prioritise health and safety in the workplace and stay updated on any changes in legislation.

“The TRA remains committed to supporting our members by providing updates on relevant legislative changes and guidance to help ensure safer workplaces.”

The TRA is currently collecting RIDDOR statistics from members for 2022/23, which will shortly be followed by a 2023/24 survey later in the year.

Members are urged to complete the survey to enable the TRA’s Health and Safety Committee to provide focused support to members. Download the HSE’s 2023/24 annual work-related ill health and injury statistics here.

More information about the HSE’s new 10-year strategy can be found by clicking here.

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