No Falls Week 2024
10th May 2024According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) 40 people lost their lives due to a fall from height in 2022/23. In addition to this, falls from height were also responsible for 30 per cent of all workplace deaths.
In light of the recent news regarding a 22-year-old carpenter who sadly lost his life after being struck by roofing materials on a building site, the TRA would like to remind members of the importance of identifying on-site risk, and in particular wind loading and the effect it could have on the stability of spandrel panels prior being secured in place.
The three main sources of falls from height injuries and fatalities are fragile roof lights, scaffolding, and ladders. But installing roof trusses is another complex and potentially risky activity for housebuilders as it requires specific construction skills involving both working at height and handling potentially unstable materials.
No Falls Week Campaign
The TRA would like highlight to members No Falls Week 2024, which was created by the No Falls Foundation to promote safe working at height. Taking place between 13 to 17 May, No Falls Week will provide an opportunity for organisations in all sectors a to focus on working at height safety.
This campaign is very relevant to TRA members who work with contractors that work at height – whether it involves loading and off-loading trussed rafters or designing products that involve future maintenance, this campaign ensures that everyone who works at height, comes down safely.
Members can get involved by reinforcing the training needed for all members , contacting customers and reminding them of the importance of this aspect of safety, further training on securing themselves and products before any work commence, and distributing information materials regularly.
To get involved with No Falls Week, visit their website by clicking here.
Support from the TRA
The TRA is committed to ensuring members and those involved in roof-related projects are aware of the health and safety protocols, which is why are supporting the campaign.
Businesses that require employees to work at height are encouraged by the No Falls Foundation to take part in the week-long campaign to educate their employees about the consequences of falls from height.
The TRA have created two special guides to help protect colleagues when working at height:
- Trussed Rafter – Handling, Storage & Installation Roadmap. This document sets out the main steps and the responsibilities which TRA believe necessary to achieve safe delivery, handling and installation.
- Introduction to the storage and installation of Trussed Rafters on site. This document provides more practical information for contractors on the storage and installation process.
In addition to this, a video on how to install Trussed Rafter Roofs at height.
To access the guides visit the TRA’s technical advice and downloads page. Please note, some guides are restricted to members only.