Regional meetings by zoom but live AGM is back
26th August 2021
The TRA is delighted to announce the dates for the long-awaited AGM and annual dinner, and regional meetings.
Keeping in contact with members is hugely important and we want to ensure they are up-to-date with the market, technology and legislation. Meetings provide an open forum to communicate ideas and views and allow us to support each other during challenging times. They are a great opportunity for open discussion and knowledge sharing so please do attend these events.
On-line meetings
Many members may still be subject to travel and meeting restrictions either personally or through company policies and so are planning for the first of these events to take place as on-line zoom meetings.
Wednesday 8th September 11am – North/ Midlands/ Southern and Scottish members – Click here to register
Monday 4th October 11am – TRA Ireland members – Click here to register
As part of the discussions at these on-line meetings, we will be seeking members views about holding physical meetings later in October.
Prefer face-to-face Meetings?
The proposed dates for physical meetings are below. Please click on either link to confirm you wish to participate:
Tuesday 19th October – Midlands area – Click here to register
Wednesday 27th October – Leeds area – Click here to register
The agenda for all the regional meetings will include:
- Economic and market update – hear the latest insights into market conditions and forecasts
- Technical update – the latest information on use of TR26, UKCA marking and Tilted MWJ
- Safety update – providing insight about installation and delivery guidance
- A progress report on the TRA’s training initiatives
If there are specific topics you would like us to cover, please call 020 3205 0032 or email
Looking forward
We are looking forward to the opportunity for members to enjoy a larger scale live event and are planning to hold the TRA AGM 2022 on Thursday 10th March 2022 so please save this date in your calendar. This will involve an afternoon members’ networking event and AGM followed by an informal dinner. Planning for the AGM is in the early stages. We want the content to be relevant and inspire our membership so if you have any ideas, please do contact us with your thoughts.