Register now for the 2018 TRA AGM and dinner
21st December 2017
All members can now book for the 2018 TRA AGM and annual dinner. The event will be held on Thursday 1 March 2018 at the Jury’s Inn Hinckley Island, Watling Street, Hinckley, LE10 3JA.
Expect another strong programme of speakers and activities
Topics on the agenda include the TRA’s proposed new quality scheme for spandrel panels, the TRA’s work with NHBC and others to update technical guidance on gable panels, and the outlook for the trussed rafter market for 2018.
The AGM will begin at 12.30pm with a stand up buffet lunch and the planned finish is 4.45pm. The TRA annual dinner will follow in the Lakeside Suite at 6.30pm for a 7pm start.
Once again, 50 overnight rooms with breakfast have been secured for TRA members at £90 each on a first come, first served basis. Please book rooms via the Jury’s Inn central reservation office on 0870 4100 800 and quote TRUSSE010318.
How to book
To book a place at the AGM and annual dinner via debit/credit card click here.
To register for the AGM only click here.
You can register for as many delegates as you wish for either event.
If you would like to pay for the annual dinner by cheque, please call Jessica Sansford on 0203 205 0032 and she will take your details and register you manually for the dinner.