TRA installation guide update
17th December 2019As you may be aware, we have temporarily removed the ‘How to safely install roof trusses’ document from our website. This is while we develop a temporary works procedure with the Scaffolding Association, to address weight, load and wind speed when using scaffolding to support trussed rafters during installation.
In the absence of the full installation guide we have recently updated the following documents, which can be used as examples of good practice:
Guide to CDM Regulations 2015 – Trussed Rafters
Introduction to the storage and installation of Trussed Rafters on site
Trussed Rafter – Handling, Storage & Installation Roadmap
These documents emphasise that each site installation is unique. While contractors and subcontractors involved in truss installation may have basic or generic defined safe systems of work, it is likely that some of the assumptions including site conditions and truss designs or sizes will vary significantly. Accordingly, such generic safe systems must be reviewed and amended as necessary for each specific site.
These examples are not intended to be complete solutions. Instead they provide a model from which site-specific safe systems of work can be developed by the subcontractor or site teams responsible for installation of the trusses.