TRA Technical Committee statement on Eurocode 5 implementation – June 2018
12th June 2018
On 1 July 2018 the trussed rafter industry completes the final stage of the transition to a total Eurocode 5 (EC5) design solution for its products.
On 1 January 2018, the use of the BS5268 design code was withdrawn by systems and UK fabricators for all new projects, with EC5 becoming the new reference standard.
The TRA position (which has been in place since February 2016) states:
From 1 January 2018 all TRA members will design to EC5 for new design work involving trussed rafters and metal web components. Existing BS 5268 designs may be referenced for a further six months until 1 July 2018.
To assist members, clarification of the final sentence is given as follows:
From 1 July 2018 onwards, any legacy BS 5268 roof designs for sites that have commenced since the start of the year will have new phases redesigned and manufactured by fabricators utilising EC5 design software.
The planning of the changeover period has meant that the majority of these legacy designs have already been migrated to EC5 compliance. It is suggested that members refer to their system provider should they require assistance with any outstanding design migration by this end date.
Les Fuller
TRA Technical Committee Chairman
1 June 2018
Further information on EC5 can be found on the Technical Standards and Regulations page. This includes links to Approved Document A, NHBC Structural Design Requirement R5, and NHBC Chapter 7.2 Pitched Roofs.