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Metal web joists included in STA fire safety pattern book

ITW, Mitek and Wolf Systems have joined forces to provide fire test data to enable metal web joists to be included in the Structural Timber Association’s (STA) structural timber buildings fire safety in use guidance. The three systems providers, all members of the TRA, submitted their products for the verification which assures specifiers and architects … Continue reading “Metal web joists included in STA fire safety pattern book”

How Talentview Construction can help TRA members with recruitment

Despite concerns about a recession, the industry’s skills shortages have shot up the agenda once again, with ‘People and skills’ identified as one of the four most important strategic priorities in the Construction Leadership Council’s (CLC) new vision and leadership summary published in September. The CLC has stated that it will focus on people issues … Continue reading “How Talentview Construction can help TRA members with recruitment”

Free access to BS ISO 50005 energy management standard

To help SMEs with their decarbonisation journey, BEIS is sponsoring free access to copies of BS ISO 50005 energy management standard. Energy management systems are systematic tools that support businesses in managing their energy usage.  The BS ISO 50005 standard is designed for SMEs through a phased/staged implementation approach to make it manageable for SMEs … Continue reading “Free access to BS ISO 50005 energy management standard”

Call for Data for Timber Industry Net Zero Project

The timber industry, led by Timber Development UK (TDUK) is embarking on an industry-wide project to guide all members along the road to achieving net-zero carbon emissions. To help us all truly understand our own organisation’s emissions and how to reduce them, TDUK has enlisted the help of energy consultant, Energise which has put together … Continue reading “Call for Data for Timber Industry Net Zero Project”

Health & safety briefing – Separating pedestrians and walkways

A new set of health & safety briefing notes is currently being prepared by members of the TRA’s H&S committee. The first in the series is a subject which affects all our manufacturer members – Separating Pedestrians and Walkways. Latest statistics show that being struck by a moving vehicle is the second most common cause … Continue reading “Health & safety briefing – Separating pedestrians and walkways”

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